Tread Lift

Tread Lift program download in PDF format (plus videos). Feel free to share Jill Coleman’s #treadLIFT with your followers on Pinterest. 36 full-length workouts, all 30 minutes or less, designed to be done with minimal equipment for intermediate to advanced exercisers (can be adjusted for all). Delivered via PDFs, video tutorials, photos for each exercise and info for how to adjust to your fitness level. What people are saying about this program?  DJ says: “My training with Jill was an amazing experience! Probably the most beneficial thing was the shift in my mindset regarding exercise…I loved the weight training, it improved my joints and now that I have lost weight, I am seeing the muscle sculpted with that heavy weight training. Jill is caring, positive and supportive, my good fortune to find her!”

Tread Lift pdf

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