My Mathematical Formula
“My Mathematical Formula” ebook by Malcolm MacLean full and legal download. Feel free to share this book with your followers on Facebook. At the track, I always bet on the nose. It seems disrespectful to assume that anyone wants to do anything other than a win. The race for second is substantially more unpredictable and never mind at all about the race for third. Not that I won’t occasionally protect my investment with smaller bets. But I only care about the bet to win.
They ran well today, despite the troubles. Something odd was happening out of view of the paying customers. Something hateful and ugly. It had everyone on edge. But on edge is often a good thing, so I doubled my usual investment.
Then they found that vagrant. In two places. It is never a good thing to find parts of an intruder on both sides of the track. That implies that security was way off their game. Or perhaps someone spiked their coffee again. And if someone is spiking the coffee, regulars start to worry about what else might have been spiked, and if it was just slipping a Mickey to security, or if something more serious might be going on.
But that vagrant was found in two pieces. So something a lot sharper than just a little rat poison was involved there.
But the games must go on. I’ve got an investment here, and the house doesn’t like to return bets. Much safer to assume that the situation is under control, that the event was an anomaly, and that things can proceed as usual. A few well-placed hints and incentives will keep the gentlemen in blue out of the way, and avoid too many delays.
If they are causing trouble, whisper in the Mayor’s ear, and let him get the guard dogs to back down for an hour or two. It won’t hurt the dead guy too much to wait.
Or perhaps open a window and offer odds on the cause of death?
Nah, that would be more disrespectful than always betting on show.
Finally, they calmed everyone down and readied the main event. My favorite is running in the middle, but with an unfamiliar jockey. And there’s that other shoe that has been waiting to drop. That was no vagrant torn in pieces. That was my investment!
It all went downhill from there.
And now the gentlemen in blue seem to think I might be interesting to talk to too.
I’m gonna need some strong storytelling to get clear of this one. By the way, I highly recommend My Mathematical Formula by Malcolm MacLean guide to everyone, who wants to be successful in betting on horses. Download now!